I am not well. I have something systemic wrong with me. I am not responsible for its origins, but I am responsible for perpetuating it. It is a condition that is difficult to see despite being ubiquitous throughout our lives.
Most white men know something is wrong with us. The gravity is just different. We are weaker. We are more sensitive, despite being so masculine. Our physical and mental condition is not accustom to adversity and diverse voices in our head.
We have been fed a steady diet of lies since we first could speak. Our fathers and brothers reinforced this condition, handing it down through the generations. Society has also upheld these lies, with Hollywood bringing it all home for us.
I spent many years seeing this as being your disease, not mine. I have come to learn that it is our disease. There is no escaping it. You won’t be able to avoid the coming reckoning by living in a small town or building a bunker—it is too systemic.
I do not see nay way out, or a way to fix this. I only see addressing it head on out in the open. Then maybe over time we can collectively overcome and begin to shift things to a healthier state. Which is why I write about it as honestly as I can.