I spent some time making some new images with my B.F. Skinner Algorotoscope models the other weekend. I am pretty happy with my pallet of AI models right now. I need to get them better displays don the site, but the tones of them represent many of the emotions I am trying to illuminate right now. However, in th mean time I am now exploring how I can better overlay images produced from different Algorotoscope models. The B.F. Skinner Algorotoscope model sets the stage for many technological stories I am wanting to tell. It has the overall tone I am looking for, but I also want to be able to highlight or diff something within the image with an overlay of another Algorotoscope image.
To demonstrate what I am talking about I produced three separate images to support a fictional story I wrote called Revealing the Cybernetic Gears in Our Everyday Life. I am looking to highlight the control Internet technology has on use using both my B.F. Skinner and Copper Circuit Algorotoscope models, to bring my story about cybernetic gears to life.
I am fascinated with the behavioral influence of our mobile applications, which are of course API-driven. I like potential of my models to transform the landscape, but also obfuscate and transform the people I come across. I am not looking to shame anyone on their mobile phone walking the streets of New York, but I am looking to push us to think about why we do this. I spend a lot of time thinking about this as I walk to and from work in mid-town Manhattan each day.
This is just my first set of composite Algorotoscope images that utilize images produced from two separate models. I am going to explore other combinations with my Birth of a Nation and John Wayne backdrops, utilizing my Gone With the Wind model for illuminating things within each image. I think I’ll explore blue, green, and purple circuits to further compliment my B.F. Skinner model. It is pushing how I think about models, but also how I go out in the world and take picture, or re-evaluate photos I have already taken in the past. I think this is the Algorotoscope dimension I will play in for a while before I spend any more time and money on training models.